Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tonight was the puppy party...

Here is Mia's new bed from LLBean.  Do you think she will out grow it?  Notice her favorite toy, the Flail a Fowl.  It was purchased at the church auction and we highly recommend it.  (This is not product placement paid for by the maker of the crazy toy.)

Tonight we went to the Helping Paws fundraiser at the home of Tim and Rosie Owens.  It was a lovely evening and the puppies, and several older dogs had a great time.  They are wearing their packs and gentle leaders and look very professional.  It was an elegant party, with perfect weather and a gracious home overlooking a beautiful wetland.  Elegant except the part where the puppies played like crazy in a small pen.  They are more sturdy than we realized.  This week we are working on "drop" which means we have to catch her dropping to the floor and then click and treat.  It works best when she is tired.
Here I am in my new pack!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Bonnie, I is so nice too look back
at our puppy pictures. It just seems like yesterday we picked them up from the training center!
Remember when they recieved their
pack. I barely see Keona's head
peaking out the top of her pack.
It sure didn't take long for them
to grow into each pack!

Bonnie and George what a nice blog!
Mia is doing so well. I love the
pictures of people she has meet.

See ya Wed night!

Shannon and Keona