Saturday, May 2, 2009

Saturday with Laura on the Walk for Animals 2009...

Here is Mia with Laura after going on the Animal Humane Society Walk for Animals.  It was a fundraiser and raised lots of money.  There were many well behaved animals.  Mia did not wear her pack so as not to attract attention that might be too stressful for her.  Laura reports she was very well behaved and there were no problems at all.  Mia loves every dog she meets!

Here is Mia practicing a new command, step.  This is the beginning of learning to go up and down steps very slowly and carefully.  She has learned a lot since our last entry in March.  She is working on snuggle, light, brace, back, behind, hold, take it, and of course, shimmy.

She went on a long field trip to Knollwood shopping center and worked on some of these commands, but worked really hard on under.  She often does things at home, but it takes extra work to make these behaviors occur in public.  She is sitting really still when we meet and talk to people and they are always friendly and impressed.  

And finally Mia is just as happy as we are for spring!

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